Welcome Chantal ! In an earlier post on the blog we celebrated Ann Brown, who has sung with the choir for 60 years. In this post we welcome a new member, Chantal Beeston, who joined us in September. We will continue to feature members of the choir over the coming months. So how did Chantal feel about her first concer t with us last Saturday (21 Octo ber ) , for the Samaritans? ‘I loved it – t he sense of teamwork and camara derie , all of us working towards the same goal after all those intensive rehearsals. More than that, I felt a sense of belonging, of doing something just for me.’ Chantal, a soprano, moved to Bury St Edmunds in the summer with her husband Ben, a teacher, and Beatrix, their 18 month-old daughter . Chantal is a music teacher , though she’s currently on maternity leave, and has taught children from nursery through to ‘ A ’ level, most recently as Head of Performing Arts for the Prep School ...